Rain disappears
until the seasons swing around,
returning from their seabound passages warmer,
less predictable: Dry April swims into a dry May.
"The boundary of a boundary is zero.
no answer!" The dead are nameless amongst each
other's decomposition, in our evolution from living
to "organized nonliving beings."
At this
stage Old Woman Gray Rocks
Old Stony
Face, "the same voice speaking otherwise."
The boundary: J.A.
Wheeler, "Information, Physics, Quantum: The Search For
Liks. In, W.H. Zurek, ed., Complexity,
Entrophy, and the Physics of Information. London, 1990.
organized. B. Stiegler,"Welcome to the Anthropocene:
Debate with philosophers Peter Sloterdijk and Bernard Stiegler."
Radbund Reflects. Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
June 27, 2016. Stiegler is suggesting that humans
have become inseparable from their technologies.
Old Woman Gray Rocks: In, T. Hillerman, The
Blessing Way. New York, 1970. "...as a further
demonstration of the
mystery of womanhood." (p.62.)
the same voice: W. Mules, "Nobody’s Voice:
To Hear What is Unheard as a
Pressing Task for Poetics Today." Plumwood Mountain, March 2020.