of the Catacombes" takes its name from the "hollow (hallowed)
ground" of Early Christianity, excavated in what was
then the suburbs of Rome. But there are other catacombs, such as
those beneath Paris, and layers of "creative impulses" and "differed
meaning" to be uncovered. So that the title plays on the name
of French artist Mireille W. Descombes, who plays with the non-presence
of bodies of text.
M.W. Descombes. Quoted In C. Gandelman, "Torn
Pages of Deconstruction: The Palimpsests of Mireille W. Descombes.
In, L. Edson, et al., editors, Conjunctions-Verbal-Vistual
Relations. San diego, CA., 1996.
begin with a circle that is also a link: