A friend told me that he wants to immigrate to Germany. "But I'd have to ship my five-hundred paintings, and I won't go without a sign of entrancement. Next to the masked shamanic figure, we see a staff surmounted by a bird, which an auroch, or a similar large mammal, is leaning over him. Some view the pictured animal as with rock art the rocks are part of the mystery, part of the work. Why was a particular rock chosen, while the movements and developments of human history seem to be synchronized with the changes of the animal image. It would seem, in the final analysis, to be a question of a universal archetypal structure which keeps all animated beings in connection and communication, acting as a symbolic function throughout history. If this connection is not renewed in consciousness, then the human spirit risks becoming arid. If the connection is broken altogether, one next to it may be more suited for chisel or paint. was passed up? Could it be that the rocks not chosen are the sacred ones, and thus not representing a sacrificial offering in a hunting ritual. The Siberian shamans are known to wear quite realistic bird costumes for the performance of their rites. Some of them even claim patrilineal descent from birds., avian figures perched on the posts belonging to my cat."

Yes, man is a pliable animal--he must be so defined: a being who grows accustomed to everything!

                                             The Gods are not drawn, their threads are simple-- near straight, simple, single--curves--and have been incised very deeply or pecked with a stone point. Most of the outline drawings represent only parts of animals-horns, foreparts, dorsal lines. or legs....
It is not certain whether the drawings are incomplete, intentionally abbreviated, or self-sufficient representations of interesting features. They appear on the same blocks as what are often called 'female genitals'; the blocks also bear short series of linear strokes and small hollows ('cupules') of various sorts. Possibly all these marks
do not lead back, but around.