People rush: "Are there any foreign bodies who are not irritants, nuisance, parasites, bloodsuckers, something that drains and feeds off the system without contributing in return? Can foreign bodies be a vital, productive part of the system, be recognized as needing a place, a different place, to work and rest? Can they poison and cure? There is no way that foreign bodies will easily stay in place, no way that a system can expel all foreign bodies. Forget pest control. We need transfusions." foreignbody @

dogs barking:"He loved dogs, but he knew them to be gross outlines of the wolf. With diminished brains and congenital defects, these abducted and enslaved forms are the mindless drabs of the sheep flock, the udder- dragging, hypertrophied cow, the psychopathic racehorse, and the infantilized dog who will age into a blasé touch-me bear, paddling through the hospice wards until he has a breakdown and bites the next hand." P. Shepard, Traces of an Omnivore. Washington, D.C., 1996.

living where: "These cottage court apartments include four hipped-roof buildings made up of fourteen units. Built in 1939 by the contractor H.W. Balay, they are located in the Raynolds Addition neighborhood. The Raynolds Addition is itself a cohesive, smaller downtown-area Albuquerque neighborhood whose significance is often underappreciated in contrast to Old Town, Huning Castle, Huning Highlands, and the Fourth Ward areas. Yet, it is an important, intact neighborhood, with its wide variety of   historic garden apartments, its older bungalows and Southwestern style houses, and its locaton near downtown." P. Pollock and A. Massmann, "The Balay Apartments." The University of New Mexico, Department of Architecture, 1995.

it was not primarily: J. Weishaus, From General Notebook.

the happiest man alive:"I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive. A year ago, six months ago, I thought that I was an artist. I no longer think about it, I am. Everything that was literature has fallen from me. There are no more books to be written, thank God.  This, then? This is not a book." H. Miller,
The Tropic of Cancer. New York, 1961.

among these intrusive objects: J. Weishaus, "Initiation. "   "When he was still a young boy, his father took him into the bush and placed two large quartz crystals against his breast. They vanished into his body, and he felt them going through him like warmth." The old man also gave him "some things like quartz crystals in water. They looked like ice and the water tasted sweet. After that, the boy could see ghosts."  M. Eliade, Australian Religions. Ithaca, NY., 1973.

one skeleton to another:"The period of initiation strips the shaman of all his social and mental habits as well as his religious and philosophical ideas. To use a more graphic expression: he is skinned, his bowels are torn out, and as happened to Saint Theresa, the flesh is cut from his bones. He is literally chopped into pieces, cooked, grilled, or fried. Eskimo shamans must be able to see themselves as no more than a skeleton before they may accommodate the transitoriness of our egocentric world. Tibetan yogins are said to meditate upon death in charnel grounds until they experience a decomposition of their bodies and perceive themselves as skeletons." H. Kalweit, Dreamtime & Inner Space. Boston, 1988.

stone: "The people point to the concentric layers of a dolomite boulder and say, 'There you are. You see. Stones also grow!' A rock weathered into an unusual shape or a stone worn smooth by a river may be singled out for special attention, perhaps even regarded with reverence as a resting place for spirits. But the greatest respect is paid to stones that have been involved in some way with animal life." L. Watson, Lightning Bird. New York, 1982.

stoned to death: "They ask her/what she'd think/if what she/thought was rock/shook and/rumbled like/ hunger. if/what moved inside/the rock was/not its/blood but an/itch on their/tongues. And/where the bones./what it was/they'd be. refused/its care love/quit its rattle,/while what/blood was in//the rock went/to their/heads..." N. Mackey. From, "The Shower of Secret Things."

it is not enough:T. Burckhardt, Art of Islam. World of Islam Festival Publishing Co., Ltd., 1976.