"The duck stood on
the mountiantop,
Then, spreading wings, leapt down."
From a platform's
splintered rail, looking down
to reeds bowing as Malliard ducks sail through,
my arms are wings,
my head blue-green,
feathery, and I don't understand what
other ducks are
Dunking my
head underwater, instead of
sustananceI I find
a question: What have
you become?
The oracle at Delphi
was always right, but never
first interpreted. The meaning of her utterance
lay in
the structure
of the riddle, and in the no
man’s land
riddle and solution.
As I
walk home for breakfast, my wings
collapse, my feathers pale, and my mind
is drenched in
the illusion of awakening
the emergence
of being.