as soon as they arrived: J. Diamond, Collapse. New York, 2005.

it's fur has been torn: M.L. Deed. "Intersections: A Twenty-day Journal of the Unexpected." library.htm

had nothing to do: M. McGrath, The Long Exile: A tale of Inuit Betrayal and Survival in the High Arctic. New York, 2007.

I don't buy this: D. Anderson,“Re: Further response to Robert Segal’s Further Response.” International Association for Jungian Studies Discussion List, April 25, 2007.

to destinations: "Don Holman, a Sioux... who went north to teach stone lithography to Inuit craftsmen of Holman Island said: 'That damn place where the Canadian Government men chose to build a settlement of mobile homes for the native population was so windy that the crows spun on the electrical wires like pinwheels.'" B. Smyle. Email, 5 Aug 07