other words, even the earth and nature have their psychic function
as well as their terrestrial ones, and one may serve the
earth and be on
the ground (or beneath it) in more ways than one, i.e., through psychic
activities, and not only through natural ones."
Hillman, The
Dream and the Underworld.
New York, 1979.
Clifford, The Predicament of Culture. Cambridge, MA., 1988
Kingsley, “Common Sense: A Interview with Peter Kingsley.” Parabola,
Spring 2006.
it is used, the mask manifestly announces the incarnation of a mythical
personage (ancestor, mythical animal, god). For its part, the costume transubstantiates
the shaman, it transforms him, before all eyes, into a superhuman being."
M. Eliade, Shamanism. New York, 1964.
then, he mentions, one shaman regularly commuted back and forth to the
village of Kugluktuk, four hundred miles east. 'How did he get there?'
I ask. 'He flew...like a bird. But our missionary soon stopped all of that.'"
J. Waterman, Arctic Crossing. New York, 2001.
masks from the Arctic Circle hang in temperature-controlled
museums, crystals secreted in crusty fissures. The pulse
of drums on which spirits galloped to the Otherworld, are
harnessed by bells calling The People to church. Magical
flights are flown by bush pilots on featherless wings,
and healers, once paid in caribou meat, now bill the government.
Yet, rain winds its way down through primeval horizons,
rivers rise and fall, trees flare, blacken, and split open,
when lightning strikes at the height of lengthening summers,
dropping hot seed-cones onto re-fertilized ground.
Spring plants continue to blossom, and for
(Empedocles), we humans are plants: human plants. Actually we
are seeds and have not yet become plants. We have not budded
yet, have not yet started to open and blossom. We have the
potential to become full human beings but the potential has
not been realized. And I find this amazing and terrifying,
that someone 500 years ago–someone who was laying the
foundations for all our philosophical and scientific disciplines–said
we’re not yet human, because glaciers,
shrunk to puddles, will someday display their long blue-white
fissured faces again, and dazzling icebergs rise from the waves
of cooling seas.
two fishers, chased caught
upon with Owl's eyes the two
wheeling upstream. |
the smokehouse traps
seemed to
embrace flesh only,
daring not to look see find. |
further than from what
his trance was
hunting he crossed
the river, and buried
his bones. |
of Paleolithic Art, asymmetric as an shaman's mask,
are stumbled into, high water marks of Modern Art lost beneath
fields of chthonic
earth central
to an understanding of how these social groups that invented
anthropology and modern art have appropriated exotic things,
facts, and meanings. (Appropriate: 'to make one's own,'
from the Latin proprius, 'proper,' 'property.') It is
important to analyze how powerful discriminations made at particular
moments constitute the general system of objects within which valued
artifacts circulate and make sense for
forty thousand years. Without loss, there is no discovery and what
is discovered, is who we are.