Since its first appearance, in a 1946 report by the Rhodesian Scientific Association,
the term "rock art" has been widely accepted among archaeologists, even though the term inadvertently colonizes petroglyphs and their artists with the rhetoric of Western Art History.

"In our modern, sophisticated terms, he is primitive and preliterate, and in the long reach of time he is utterly without distinction, except: he draws."

Although many art critics agree that Paleolithic cave art is art by modern Western standards, to suggest that indigenous rock art found around the world should be bounded by this tradition is to belittle its aesthetic and spiritual accomplishments.
In order to reap this magnificent human achievement ,
the most important body organs on the magical level are the gastrointestinal tract and the ear, while the mental level stresses the brain and other approaches than the scientific need to be included.

For example, that contemporary indigenous artists absorb motifs and visions of pregenitors to create an art that grows from walls and rocks, combining lines, shapes, colors and textures, as "dreams form the bristles of the artist's brush."
And perhaps they may also reclaim rock art from government and private land owners with an Occupy Rock Art Movement that, in turn, manages the sites.

To this I add the proviso that recognizes:

Every enlightened, individuated, being,
every creative thinker and artists of all venues,
is an honorary member of the First People.