
It is not clear: See, T. L. Jackson, "Reconstructing Migrations in California Prehistory." American Indian Quarterly. Fall, 1989.

Blood is patterned: S. Rowland. From, "Openings."

working among the Taínos: F. Cervantes, “The Gods of New Spain.” Times Literary Supplement, 2 July 2008.


An important hallmark: V. Deloria, Jr., C.G. Jung and the Sioux Traditions. P.J. Deloria and J. Bernstein, Editors. New Orleans: Spring Journal Books, 2009.

in full faith: W. Herzog, On Walking in Ice. New York: Tanam Press, 1980.

my mind only works: J-J. Rousseau, The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. New York: Modern Library, 1945.

Mountains' walking: E. Dogen, Moon In a Dewdrop: Writings of Zen Master Dogen. New York: North Pont Press, 1985.


As walls rise: “The city is the best gallery you can imagine.” JR, “Use Art to Turn the World Inside Art.” TED talk, March 2011. http://www.ted.com/talks/jr_s_ted_prize_wish_use_art_to_turn_the_world_inside_out.html#.Tyhq58qKFjJ.facebook

It can sometimes be difficult: P.G. Bahn, Prehistoric Rock Art. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 2010.

Time-Factored thought: A. Marshak, The Roots of Civilization: The Cognitive Beginnings of Man's First Art, Symbol, and Notation. New York: McGraw- Hill, 1972.

Every artist's work: J. Berger, "Giacometti." In, About Looking. New York: Pantheon Books, 1980.

unlike the other peaks: P. Matthiessen, The Snow Leopard. New York: Viking Press, 1978.

Graffiti has evolved: I am not speaking of graffiti that is vandalism, such as reported by Jonathon Reynolds: "I wipe the sweat from my eyes and look up the path through the dense scrub to a huge granite boulder. Small caves on either side of it look like dark eyes staring at us as we hike to the rock art at the craggy Chentcherere outcrop in the central African country of Malawi. Around the edge of the boulder I see the rock art and my heart sinks. The site is spectacular—a 40-foot-wide granite surface covered with a crowd of white figures in all shapes and sizes, mixed in with very faint red geometric designs that look like ladders—but almost all of it is obscured by a cloud of black-and-white modern graffiti." "Letter from Malawi: Living Rock Art." Archaeology, July/August 2007. Nor do I mean gang graffiti, which is how wolves mark their territory. Like "hallucination" or "myth," "graffiti" is often used in the in the pejorative. When used in the superlative, it is art.


Alexander Marshak suggested: In, K.A. Hays-Gilpin, Ambiguous Images: Gender and Rock Art. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press, 2004.

Their belts are strung: R. Underhill, Singing for Power: The Song Magic of the Papago Indians of Southern Arizona. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.


When a Shaman accesses: http://www.scribd.com/doc/60310838/Horns-of-Shaman

today, horns sprouting: M. Stokstad. Review of R. Mellinkoff, The Horned Moses in Medieval Art and Thought. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970. In, Journal of American Folklore, October-December 1973.

where the horn was seen: "Masculinity is not a pre-ordained property of some of the carvings but channeled through signs serving to establish and culturally guarantee it—to effect a mevement from a body without organs. This has direct political implications in terms of how we think and rethink sex and gender today." C. Tilley, Introduction to, C. Tilley, Editor, Interpretative Archaeology. Oxford: Berg Publications, 1993.

imagination soars: W.C. Williams, Paterson. New York: New Directions, 1958.