element of imprudence: G. Bachelard, The Poetics of Reverie.  Boston, MA., 1960. p.8.

it is exactly: P. Harrison, Forests: The Shadow of  Civilization. Chicago, IL., 1992. p.8.

the absence of phonetic: D. Abram, The Spell of the Sensuous. New York, 1996. p.123

like the desert: J. Derrida, "Edmond Jabès and the  Question of the Book.” In, Writing and  Difference. Chicago, IL., 1978. p. 72.

In a cave: A. Wineman, Mystic Tales from the Zohar. Philadelphia, PA., 1997. pp.45-6.

the foot and ankle: P. Shepard, Man in the Landscape. Athens, GA., 2002. pp.31-2.

Science now indicates: J. Narby, Intelligence in Nature. New York, 2005. p.91.

culture seeps through trees: A. Sondheim. From, "Re: sq*sq / A."  WRYTING-L@listserv.utoronto.ca, May 31, 2005

he reduced to ashes: C. Gross, Scholarium. New Milford, CT.,  2003. p.228.

Above all, stone is: M. Eliade, Patterns in Comparative  Religion. New York, 1971. p.216.

so nice and sweet: pixel. "Re: Morrigan here."  WRYTING- L@listserv.utoronto.ca June 18, 2005.

It should not be forgotten: C. Paternosto, The Stone and the  Thread: Andean Roots of Abstract Art.  Austin, TX., 1996. p.184.

psychological expedition: C. G. Jung. Quoted in, D.C. Noel, "Soul  and Earth: Traveling with Jung Toward  an Archetypal Ecology." Quadrant. Vol.  23, No. 2, 1990.

The familiar structures: A. Gibson, Towards a Postmodern: Theory of Narrative. Edinburgh,  Scotland, 1996. p.49.

Buried in a grave: M. Shackley, Neanderthal Man. London, 1980.  pp.92-3.The Shamidar Cave, 600 miles east ofMount Carmel, in northern Iraq, was excavated by Ralph Soolecki, who estimated that it was  occupied by around 100,000 BP.

if you're to succeed: M. Prechtel, "Saving the Indigenous Soul: An Interview With Martin Prechtel by Derrick Jensen.” The Sun, April 2001.