wisdom lies in knowing: N. Papastergiadis, Modernity as Exile:  The Stranger in John Berger’s Writing. Manchester, UK., 1993. p.112.

Walk in the woods: A. Purdy. From, 'Over the Hills in  the  Rain, My Dear.'

the apparitions: W.H. Hudson, A Hind in Richmond Park.  London, 1922. p.228.

It's been a long time: E.M. Cioran, The Trouble With Being  Born. New York, 1998. p.39.

The animals watch: S. Dunn. From, 'The Man in   the Forest.'

The global problem: R.P. Harrison, Forests: The Shadow of  Civilization. Chicago, IL., 1992. p.247.

real places that do exist: M. Foucault, 'Of Other Spaces.'  Diacritics 16 (Spring 1986). p.22.

a race of men: Virgil. From, The Aeneid. Book 8. 19th Century BC.

gravity was not a force: James N. Gardner, Biocosm.  Makawao, Maui, HI., 2003.

the earth has reabsorbed: R.P. Harrison, The Dominion of the  Dead. Chicago, IL., 2003.

the Inferno: O. Mandelstam, "Conversations with  Dante." In, Osip Mandelstam: Selected  Essays. Austin, TX., 1977. p.6.

Education is schooling: O. Mandelstam, "Conversations with  Dante"' In, Mandelstam: The Complete  Critical Prose and Letters. Ann Arbor,  MI., 1979. p.400.

will continue to: S.M. Meyer, "End of the Wild: The  extinction crisis is over. We lost."Boston  Review. April/May 2004.

A thousand strands: A. Yosano. From, 'Mideregami.'

these are the ghost species: "End of the Wild: The  extinction crisis is over. We lost."Boston  Review. April/May 2004.

shaped by prior linguistics: S.T. Katz, 'Mystical Speech and Mystical  Meaning.' In S.T. Katz, Editor, Mysticism  and Language. New York, 1992. p.5.

learned from (Robert) Smithson: G.L. Ulmer. 2 May 2004. Invent-L @  lists.ufl.edu.

No trees please: In, M.P. Branch and S. Slovic, editors,  The Isle Reader. Athens, GA, 2003.  pp. 49-71.

All things are full of gods: M. Wood, The Road To Delphi. New  York, 2003. pp.8-9.

The body stops: L. Eiseley. From, "The Snow Leopard."

how occult forces: M. Berenguer, Prehistoric Man and His  Art. London, 1973.

The captives begin:  http://www.yahoodi.com/peace/stockholm.html

any part of the glacier: M. Dickinson, Black Ice. New York,  2002. p.82.

The success of all enviromentalist: L. Buell, Writing for an Endangered  World. Cambridge, MA., 2001. p.1.