[In the Order of Appearance]



W. Herzog: Of Walking on Ice: Munich-Paris, 23 November–14 December 1974. Minneapolis, 2014.
Milling Stone People: "The distinctive early Holocene complex commonly referred to as the Milling Stone Horizon (or culture) has long been associated with Southern California. First identified by David Banks Rogers in Santa Barbara, the Milling Stone Horizon was formally defined by (William J.) Wallace as a 'culture marked by extensive use of milling stones and mullers, a general lack of well made projectile points, and burials with rock cairns.' Although lacking associated dates, Wallace was confident that this culture postdated the Late Pleistocene, but predated the elaborate but more prolific cultures of the Late Holocene." R.T. Fitzgerald and T.L. Jones, "The Milling Stone Horizon Revisited: New Perspectives from Northern and Central California." Journal of California of Great Basin Anthropology. Vol 21, No 1. (1999)
this simultaneous sense: G. Dyer, “The Awakening of Stones: Rodin.” In, Otherwise Known as the Human Condition.” Minneapolis, 2011.
There are many, many worlds: D. Jongeward, Weaver of Worlds. Rochester, NY, 1990.


It is the language of poets: C. S. Lewis, "Notes on the Way," Time and Tide, 25 May 1946.
golden flowers: "The Golden Flower alone, which grows out of inner detatchment from all entanglement with thing, is eternal." R. Wilhelm, The Secret of the Golden Flower. New York, 1962.


Descartes created: J. Hillman, "On Changing the Object of our Desire."
garbage has to be:
A.R. Ammons,Garbage. New York, 1993 (Slightly altered.)
The Middle Fork rivers: “Better Bathrooms for Boaters,” Interagency Task Force on Human Waste Management Circa 1994. (Slightly edited.)
As of July: "How many space debris objects are currently in orbit? European Space Agency.


the great stillness: P. Matthiessen,“The Tree Where Man Was Born. New York, 1995.
the small kingdoms: From, M. Oliver, "Sleeping in the Forest."


cobbled together: J. McPhee, Assembling California. New York, 1994.
had just returned: The myth, which was first recorded in the Kojiki (712 CE), has a strong relationship to many others around the world in which the underworld is visited to (unsuccessfully) bring back a loved one who has died.
Amaterasu: The Sun goddess is part of the creation story of Japan's indigenous Shinto religion. See, H. Kawai, Dreams, Myths & Fairy Tales in Japan. Einsiedein,1995.
Iris: The Greek goddess personified as a rainbow. She is a messenger of the gods, traveling between the darkness of Hades and the bright world above. Besides controlling the diameter of the pupil's admission of light, the iris gives the eye its color.
sinister eye: The left eye is the "oculus sinister." The Latin word sinistra originally meant "left," but later became to mean mean of evil.


Joseph Campbell's desk: Campbell's archive (and desk) is located in the Opus Archives and Research Center, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, CA.
The Inner Reaches of Outer Space. Novato, CA, 2002.
The central mountain: J. Neihardt, Black Elk Speaks. Lincoln, NB., 1968
Thus, the line: A Serban, "Geta Bratescu."


cries, calls, squeals: B. Bartlett, “Introduction: Two Pianos Together.” In, Thinking and Singing. Tim Lilburn, editor. Toronto, 2002.


They saw moreover: R. Bringhurst, "The Old in Their Knowing." In, The Beauty of the Weapons. Port Townsend, WA, 1985. He is addressing the Presocratic philosopher/poets.
These things: C. Olson. From, "The Pleasure of this Plum."
one physicist: N. Arkani-Hamed.


Klee descends: M. Ajvaz, "An Essay About That Which Isn't a Pipe."
as linear:
“What is different about platforms such as Google Glass, and indeed any predictive technologies, is that they modify the temporal ordering of mediated assemblages of technology, body and environment into linear sequences. In so doing, they shape their ‘events’ into linear order; events here being simply things that happen relationally in and to bodies, brains, technics and their habitats. A Munster, "Entanglements of Brain Technics and Experience." Torque # 1 N. Junes and S. Skinner, Editors. Brescia and London, 2014.,
An Aztec artist: Aztec mythology speaks of a sucession of sun gods: Tezcatlipoca (smoking mirror); Quetzalcoatl (feathered serpent); Tlaloc, who was first a god of rain; Tlaloc's sister, Chalchiuhtlicue (lady of the jade skirts); finally two gods were chosen: Tecciztecatl, a wealthy god, and Nanauatl (or Nanauatzin, "full of sores"), a humble god.
a combination of realities: A. Aventi, Conversing With the Planets. New York, 1992.


It doesn't start out: J. Thompson, "a palaeolithic archaeologist at Emory University." I Sample, “New Haul on Homo naladi Bone Shed Surprising Light on Human Evolution.” The Guardian, 9 May 2017.
for Dr. (Tal) Dagan: C. Zimmer, “Crunching the Data for the Tree of Life.” The New York Times, 10 Feb 2009.. T. Dagan is a biologist at the University of Düsseldorf.


consisted in part: E.W. Voegelin, Tübalulabal Ethnology. Berkeley, 1938. Quoted in, T. Hudson & E. Underhay, Crystals in the Sky: An Intellectual Odyssey Involving Chumash Astronomy, Cosmology and Rock Art. Santa Barbara, 1978.
4 old men: Ibid.


the same string: " The Chumash believed the sun to be a very powerful anthropomorphic being who dwelt in the Upper World in a quartz crystal house along with his two daughters. He was a widower and extremely old...Carrying a torch which was the sun, he made a daily trip across the sky, following a cord which stretched around the world. If the cord were to break he would fall into the Middle World below." T. Hudson & E. Underhay, Crystals in the Sky: An Intellectual Odyssey Involving Chumash Astronomy, Cosmology and Rock Art. Santa Barbara, 1978.
a fox's heart-shaped center:
“Cosmologically, the heart was the Sun, center of the world.” D. Cosgrove, “Apollo’s Eye: A Cultural Geography of the Globe.” Hettner Lecture, June 2005.


fields of rusty weeds: See, for example, Anselm Kiefer's painting "Nuremberg" (1980)
where the ores: L. Marvell, "Take Two Emerald Tablets in the Morning: Surrealism & The Alchemical Transubstantiation of the World." In A. Creak, Editor, Alchemical Traditions. Melbourne, 2013. Marvell is speaking of Pierre Mabille's, Mirror of the Marvelous. Rochester, VT., 1998.


determining dragons: From, “Questions and Answers.” Koan 35, Secrets of the Blue Cliff Record. T. Cleary, Translator. Boston, 2000.


Pan didn't die: A cry went through late antiquity: 'Great Pan is dead!' Plutarch reported it in his 'On the Failure of the Oracles,' yet the saying has itself become oracular, meaning many things to many people in many ages. One thing was announced: nature had become deprived of its creative voice." J. Hillman, "Nature Alive." In, A Blue Fire: Selected Writings by James Hillman. New York, 1989.
the light hidden: S.A. Hoeller, C.G. Jung and the Alchemical Renewal."
because it revolved: J. Elkins, What Painting Is. New York, 1999.


a change in the valley: J. Hillman, “Peaks and Vales.” In, Senex & Puer: Putnam, CT, 2005.
white horse: "At the far left are the head and arms of Helios and his (two) chariot horses risen from the pediment floor." F.S. Kleiner, Gardner's Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective. Vol 1. Independence KY, 2009.


Then comes a poet: D.H. Lawrence. Quoted by E. Germain, Introduction to, H. Crosby, Shadows of the Sun: The Diaries of Harry Crosby. Santa Barbara, CA, 1977
two dogs: Sun dogs are mock suns, or parhelia, that often occur in pairs. They are an atmospheric phenomenon that consists of bright spots to the left and/or right of the Sun..


enshrining: J.D. Winogrond, "A Pathway Home." The Trumpeter. Vol 23, No 3, 2007. He is quoting. J.E. Harrison, Prologomena to the Study of Greek Religion. New York, 1903/1957.


Trees bow to the earth: S. Rowland. From, "Blue Frost, Wild Sun."
bound together: N.J. Saunders, "The Cosmic Earth: Materiality and Mineralogy in the Americas." In, N. Boivin and M.A. Owoc, Editors, Soil, Stones and Symbols: Cultural Perceptions of the Mineral World. London, 2004.


culpable words: "There is in fact no literal language—there is only language what we attempt to understand literally." T. Cheetham, Imaginal Love. Thompson, CT.,2015.