"You're probably not going to believe this, but
Brad Banasik, who works as a cook at Dad's Restaurant in St. Johns, says he saw what were
almost certainly Bigfoot tracks last week in a remote section of Forest Park. There were
several prints, he says, each about 17 inches long. On some he could see toe imprints, so
whatever it was sure wasn't wearing shoes...Babasik says he and two companions followed
the tracks till they disappeared in a thicket that no human could possibly walk
P. Stanford, "A Bona Fide Bigfoot Sighting in Forest Park." Portland
Tribune, 17
August 2001. p.A2.
Portland's park system began in 1899, with the
vision of Rev. Thomas Lamb Eliot, a Harvard graduate who, wanting his city to be "a
moral, humane place," realized that without nature a city is just a harsh commercial
center. But it wasn't until the city planner Robert Moses visited Portland in 1943 and
suggested that "The wooded hillsides west of the City (now the Northwest section of
the city itself) are as important to Portland as the Palisades of the Hudson are to the
city of New York," that the City Council, in 1947, was moved to put together
lands, both public and privately donated, to make a forty-two hundred acre
"wilderpark," with forty miles of trails, and growing.
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