"the Greek word mythos means to talk, to speak words, to tell something. And yet, mythos
is also related etymologically to mute, dumb, and mum, as if the word were telling us that what is not being said is equally as important as what is. This relationship between what is said and what is not is the key to our understanding why language is perhaps the most fundamental form of mythology."
J. Anderson, "Unknown Gods: The Mythology of Language." Mythosphere. Vol. 2 Issue 1 (1999).

"Silence is experienced as a kind of touch in which our whole body is the sensory organ that is required to be, as it were, stimulated all at once. We cannot say that Silence is experienced just in front of us, or to one side, or above, or in back. It is all around and also within, but has the quality of complete Otherness..." R. Sardello, "Archetypal Silence." Oregon Friends of C.G. Jung Newsletter. March 2001. http://www.ofj.org/newsletter/2001/03-sardello.html

"The animal can be killed and eaten so that its energy is added to that which the hunter already possesses. The animal can be tamed so that it supplies and works for the peasant. But always its lack of a common language, its silence, guarantees its distance, its distinctness, its exclusion, from and of man." J. Berger, "Why Look at Animals?" In, About Looking. New York, 1980.
