G. Deleuze and F.
Guattari, Kafka:
Toward a Minor Literature. Minneapolis, MN., 1987. p.37; p.7. "The
question of the non-human is central here. It is a question posed by language
itself, and one that can be phrased in terms of language. What is the non-human,
and why must it be invoked by the question of language? If we insist on
phrasing the question of the non-human in affirmative terms (that is, if
we insist on seeing in the 'non' of 'non-human' negativity rather than
difference) we will find ourselves back at the three great figures of the
the animal, the machine, and the divinity." A. Bourassa,
"Literature, Language, and the Nonhuman. Canadian Review of Comparative
Literature. September
1997. p.560.