Already, in June, / the water heavy with green filaments / of life.

Weeks after the rains had ceased, hominids trotted across
soggy savannas
with billions of neurons bundled in heavy
baskets carried atop their vertical spines.

The old roads are still strode by patriarchal bearded men
and women with covered heads. Where are the ways not
yet reconnoitered, not even imagined?

Today on gray rocks threading wild hairs of green algae,
my bones would crack like a broken branch, or sink like
a dance missing critical steps.




Already: R. Bly. From, "In a Boat on Big Stone Lake."
baskets: Ursula Le Guin contends that the first cultural objects were not weapons but containers that could carry food. However, thoughts, dreams, imagination...the human brain carried these before material containers could be made.