Stale horse piss and acid truck fumes rise by a road that
turns or slips into the sunburnt valley's sliding shadows.

Cold winds looped as my eyes stared into an old kiva's
muddy grave. Cedar beams that had supported its roof
lay like
an important new clue to the migrations that first
brought people to the Americas. 'In terms of peopling of
the Americas, we have found
words splintered when the
Bering Sea froze, and we could not see what lay ahead.

Walking towards morning's baiting sun, "How are we to
live upon the surface of a planet fraught with unknowns
as we unlearn the habits of history?




kiva: Underground ceremonial chamber for male initiates, Tesuque Pueblo, NM.
an important: C. Zimmer, "Who Were the Ancestors of Native Americans? A Lost People in Siberia, Scientists Say." New York Times, June 5 2019.
How are we to: A. Rothstein, “The Healing Scars of Land Art.” Creators. March 31,2016.