Billions of years ago, flames flowing from her womb,
Gaia gave birth to Earth. It's a steep climb from here.

This mountain is also Tu Fu's mountain with its"un-
ending green north and south," the same mountain
Spencer Tracy climbed, "eight times." One time, Mt.
Kailas was "revered by four religions."

More important than who was there first,
is what they left behind.



unending green: Tu Fu.(712-770) From, "Gazing at the Sacred Peak." D. Hinton, trans.
Spencer Tracy climbed: "The Mountian." Paramount Pictures, 1956.
Mt. Kailas: T.S. Blakeney, "Kailas: A Holy Mountain." In, M.C. Tobias and H. Drasdo,
editors, The Mountain Spirit. Woodstock, NY, 1979.